Turkey 2015 – 25Nov15

Day 15 –  Sirince Village walk about (Nov 25) Today is a quiet day, getting ready to start our travels home. We had a late breakfast and wandered off to the village around noon. It’s a 15 minute walk and not too steep in either direction.  A nice change. We walked most of the “downtown” streets […] Read More

Turkey 2015 – 24Nov15

Day 14 –  Pamukkale – Hierapolis (Nov 24) Hard to believe we’ve been here over 2 weeks now. We’ve seen nearly all the sites we’d planned on seeing. Today is the last day for visiting sites on the list. The hope is to see Pamukkale and the hot baths, and Aphrodisias, an ancient Greek city to […] Read More

Turkey 2015 – 22Nov15

DIDYMA Day 12 –  Didyma,  Miletus, Priene (Nov 22) Today was an all day tour to three of the top ancient sites near us. Didyma was an ancient Greek sanctuary on the coast of Ionia. It contained a temple and oracle of Apollo, the Didymaion. In Greek didyma means “twin”, but the Greeks who sought a “twin” […] Read More

Turkey 2015 – 21Nov15

EPHESUS Ephesus is very close to our hotel so we weren’t in a rush to get off after breakfast. It’s recommended that you plan about 3 hours there. We were advised to drive to the “lower” gate if we were driving ourselves. That would mean the overall visit was an uphill walk and that the […] Read More

Turkey 2015 – 20Nov15

PERGAMUM We ended up at a restaurant last night recommended by our hotel. It was basic fare – grilled sea bass which was perfect. Thom thought it needed some spices but it was prepared really well. Thom got the half with the spine/bones. I  got the half that had the head with nothing there!! It […] Read More