Feb 1, 2018

When leaving Chiang Mai, at the international departures terminal, we were checking our luggage to get on our Silk Air/Singapore Air flight(s) to Auckland. The ticketing agent seemed very puzzled when looking at our passports, and our booking file. He asked if we were residents of NZ – response was “no”. He then continued to look puzzled and he called a more senior agent over for assistance. (I’ve heard of this circumstance before, but never personally encountered it).

Apparently they could not issue us boarding passes on a flight ending up in NZ if we didn’t have an outbound flight from NZ booked ahead of time. I responded by saying we were going to book once in NZ and had sorted our plans. They said we had to have the flight booked before leaving Thailand.

We had to gather up our stuff, go find a place to get the computer out, and find flights from NZ. I had read about this so was somewhat prepared but still the effort to make this happen all within the time we had before our flight departed was unnerving. I got into google flights and then expedia, and then found a flight in about 3 weeks from NZ to Melbourne AU, even though we have no intention of making the flight!! I remembered to buy a refundable ticket so that we could get to NZ and deal with all this later.

When we get to NZ and no longer need to have evidence of an outbound flight, I wall cancel the booking, get a refund, and make our actual plans as we decide what’s next. I have 3 weeks so will probably hold onto it until the moment we actually are ready to book our outbound flights.

We made it to New Zealand, long trip but Singapore air made it doable… 2 rounds of hot towels and great food. There have been rains and storms and the drought is somewhat set aside, and the cool and breezy weather is a welcomed relief for us. We have a comfy Airbnb basement flat looking out to a small garden and tree house! We’ve seen 2 of the 3 cats and still waiting to meet the chicken that wanders around. It’s a nice place to land after 2+ weeks in Thailand. So we’re having microwave popcorn and watching Friday’s news hour. I know it’s Saturday! but we are a long way from home!

Feb 5, 2018

Well it’ Monday 5Feb mid afternoon and everyone or nearly everyone we know is home watching the super bowl on Sunday night. Can’t say much for the commercials as our NBC sports app link seems to stop and say “we’ll be back soon” often. And then lots of commercials for the Olympics. Not much fun with them. And the Patriots seem to be falling a bit short…

We arrived here in Auckland Saturday, losing 6 hours along the way, did some food shopping and napped. Sunday was a big walkabout explore, heading from our flat to the marina/waterfront west of the downtown part of the city. we then walked along the waterfront until we found a bus to take home. Sore feet!!!

Stopped by the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron club house and got lost for a short while in the wonderful history of the sailing world. The gentleman at the reception desk invited us in to view the “trophies” upstairs and wished us luck on our travels. And Yes, I not only got a few pics of 2 Louis Vuitton Cups won by NZ, but the one and only AMERICA’S CUP. In person, for real, though protected in a large glass case. Maybe one day it will be returned to US soil, but to see it here in Auckland was no less a treat for us.

And then today – amidst on and off rain showers, some quite heavy, I’ve spot washed my jacket and my pack. We’re fortunate our flat not only has a washer and a dryer (a first on this trip) but there are lots of cleaning supplies. It’s nice to freshen things up a bit. I suppose when the game is over, if the sun comes back out, we might walk to the store for something for dinner. It’s true – it’s very expensive here….. so not sure we’ll make it out to a restaurant, and we only have a water kettle, a minifrig and a microwave. It’s working tho.

Feb 6, 2018

Delayed report today – We took a brief walk on Monday afternoon and a long walk, again, on Tuesday. On the short walk back from the market we stopped at a pretty little pollinator garden only to find several pollinators at work. So cool!!!

Tuesday, 6Feb, was a national holiday, Waitangi Day, sort of their independence day celebrating the 1840 signing of a treaty, and we decided to walk/bus to Auckland Domaine. It’s a beautiful park on an old crater with a large museum and lots of playing field and park area. Surprisingly it wasn’t very crowded. We had great views of the city but to our south we noticed a higher hill. Thom said it’s not far, let’s walk there!!!

Turns out we were heading to Mt Eden the tallest peak in the city, with a really well defined ancient volcano crater, 50m deep. It was also a LONG walk up, maybe because it was a mile from where we started,….. doesn’t seem like it’s only 643 feet above sea level….. We enjoyed the 360degree views, took a little video, and watched a drone being piloted above the crater.

As the trip home would be an hour on foot or 40 min with a10min bus/30min walk, we chose to walk. So, another long walking day – 18K+ steps!!

Picked up a takeout menu at a Thai place a few blocks from the house and ordered up a really nice dinner for delivery. No energy spent on prep!!

We’re really enjoying Auckland. It’s hilly, but there are great views around every turn. The houses are small, the lots are small, but everything is very clean, bright, and tidy. We’re still getting used to talking here as it’s strange to be in an English speaking country!! Though every time we say something we’re asked where we’re from, many first say Canada!! It’s great and we’re looking forward to moving onward – Thursday is the all day train ride down the North Island to Wellington at the southern tip.