Not much today – returned the van, got some groceries and got domestic – that in a minute. The van place, Wicked, has these wildly painted vans, generally for 2, like ours, while some are plain, also like ours. The painted ones cost less…. due to their advertising value and none were available for a 17Feb departure. We saw them frequently while on the road. The back of one I saw today reminded me of the family enjoyment of boat racing!!

On the domestic side – did a good sized wash today in the machine and hung it out when the sun finally showed up. Nearly all was dry about 6 when we brought it in. Some we couldn’t tell – it was either still a bit damp or just cold…. it’s 56 which is a bit chilly for the daytime here….. maybe as it’s fall coming on.

Anyway, I learned our hosts grow rhubarb….so I just had to – bought really nice butter, and the flat had flour, sugar, salt, and I added some lemon zest. The used up Stoli bottle, which generally is too tall for most shelves, worked well as a rolling pin !

We’ll share with our hosts after dinner. Asa they did last night with Betty’s rhubarb cake (will get recipe!). Tonight I’ll also bring the lovely NZ Riesling that is sweet for an after dinner treat…… Had some at our fabulous 8 course dinner last week as one of the wine pairings.

Also last night we watched New Zealand beat England in a very close cricket match. We actually got the game explained enough to us that we might be able to maybe watch more in the future!!!! We know what an over is and what the scoring shows….

Our airbnb hosts are so lovely!!, They took us to Hanmer Springs, for soaks in the mineral/sulphur waters as well as the warm pools. Varying temps from 38 to a collection at 41/42/43. We circulated around and even with the cool air and the grey skies had a wonderful time. Spent nearly 4 hours there and then a late lunch. No photos to share… too much water!!! And the late lunch has killed our appetites, so we’re have a few cocktails, some cheese and crackers, and PIE!!! which is even better than last night. And maybe sitting and soaking in a pool all day can wear you out… not sure, just can’t understand why at 9pm I want to crawl into bed!!!

Tomorrow we reluctantly leave New Zealand. It’s a wonderful, even magical place, with wonderful vistas at every turn. It’s a late departure so we don;t have to rush out…. but it’s packing time in the morning and if we can, we want to take the bridle trail to the top of the “hill’ (very large) behind us to see the views of Lyttleton and Christchurch at the gondola house.

On our last day with a late departure, we walked up the hillside from the flat for some last views of the port. And of the nearly perfect roses outside our front door. We will miss this spot for a long time!