March 31, 2018 ·

First morning in Bali – our flat is at the back of a hotel complex where several buildings are residences/apartments. It’s very lush and at 10:30 last night, on arrival, it was very hot. We were grateful the AC had been turned on for us. We’ll explore the pools and beach area today.

On arrival, after immigration, there was a unique request in the WC stall….. quite welcoming, I suppose! We thought we’d take uber but could not find the pickup point. Turns out they come to a remote part of the parking garage given uber isn’t permitted at the airport… Found a not so aggressive taxi driver outside the terminal which, inside, was full of taxi hawkers that would almost be tripping you… But the one who was insistent and kept walking with us once outside, told us about uber’s non access to the airport. I asked how much, he said 150,000IDR – and then I said we had no cash as we thought we’d be taking uber and paying credit card. He paused then….. then offered to stop at an ATM. I confirmed no price change….. and off we went. His english was very good and with lots of traffic we had time to chat. He also knew exactly where to take us, which was a help. We stopped at an ATM where there was a small market and we got a few supplies for the morning’s coffee. Breakfast stuff later. Thought adding 50,000IDR (total ride for about 30min travel time was $14.50)was a nice way to say thank you. He was genuinely surprised to see the “tip”.


April 2, 2018 ·

It’s Monday afternoon and we’ve had 2 days here in Kuta Bali. It’s the first place I’ve come to where it’s nice to see it, to be here, but it’s not a place I would come back to if given a chance. All other places we’ve seen I would go back to in a minute. Maybe if we’d gone to the mountains here in Indonesia, it would be differen

But here at the beach it’s hotter and seems more uncomfortable than DC on a hot day. Midday is over 90 and humidity is close to 90% or more. There’s little to no breeze and both the beach and pool water is nearly the same temperature as the air. There’s no relief, even at night. It’s just really hot!! We’re not far from the equator and it’s either the hot/rainy season (now) or the hot/dry season which starts in June or so. We only saw that it had rained prior to our arrival on Saturday, so not much rain.

Also, though much quieter on the streets than in Thailand or Vietnam (no constant honking), it’s surprising to find so much litter on the beaches. It’s floating in the water and on the beach after the tide has gone out. One look and you head for your hotel’s pool. Which doesn’t cool you down, so you head for a place or your room with fans or AC. Anything to move the air. There are a few good things to report – the people we’ve met are wonderful – friendly and funny; and there’s lots of incense burning and small flower offerings everywhere, so the air smells good!

tomorrow we head out at 2, after checkout, to the airport. No sense if wandering around and getting hot and sweaty before our 8pm departure. We have a 2.5hr flight to Singapore and then 12.5hrs to Munich. We threw Chase points at the trip and got business class which also means we get the Singapore Air’s business class lounge both here in Bali as well as in Singapore. Hoping they are better than what we find with Priority Pass lounges.

Also the time difference currently 12hrs, will shorten to 5-7 as we wander around europe, making calls/chats easier!!! hoping to get in touch…..

April 3, 2018 ·

On our way. We took off an hour ago. Just got warm nuts and a Singapore sling. I moved from 12F to 11F, best seat in business class, tons of room. And for a first, there’s free wifi…..

2 thoughts on “Indonesia – Bali 31Mar-3Apr2018

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