May 9, 2018

After a very long train ride from Stockholm, we finally got to our flat around 8PM. We should have arrived at the train station at 15:20 but we were stopped for a long time before being told to get off the train. We were about an hour from Copenhagen yet there was a system wide power failure and no trains were running the rest of the way. We finally got crammed onto a bus to Malmo where we could get back on a train to cross over to Denmark. Long day!!!!

We walked around the neighborhood a bit and got a few things for dinner and breakfast. More to follow when we find a better grocery store. Our flat was well set up and had a well-stocked kitchen – even with Julia Child and the Joy of Cooking on the shelf!!! This was an actively lived in flat so there was food in the frig – we didn’t use too much! And many seasonings and spices. Nice for a change. Thom was pleased to find a meat thermometer and we even used the grill twice.

We woke to another sunny day and started our explorations. We walked the approximately 15 minutes to near the center to see the Christiansburg Palace. We went underground to see the ruins of the earlier palaces/castles. There were two major fires that destroyed the buildings in 1794 and 1884. Both are believed to have been started by wood stove pipes due to lack of cleaning and maintenance. Earlier castles and fortifications date back to 1167 and some of the building foundations and masonry structures have been uncovered in the ruins below the current castle.

We climbed the palace’s tower for great views of the city. We were higher than the Round Tower so decided not to make that climb. We wanted to see the riding stables and the “royal” horses, but there weren’t open for a few hours so we decided to get some lunch. It’s fun to be here and have the open face sandwich with the oh-so prevalent smoked salmon.

We then hopped on one of the tour boats that take you around the various canals for an hour. It was a good introduction to the areas near where our flat is as well as some of the sights such has the Opera House, the Royal Yacht and other buildings and areas such as the Nyhavn area with the brightly colored buildings on the canal with numerous restaurants and cafes that fill with people every afternoon. It was such a treat to walk along the many canals and admire the boats tied alongside.

It was starting to get late but we decided to walk from the center area where we got off the boat and find Tivoli Gardens. It’s a busy place with lots of cafes, restaurants and sprinkled everywhere are amusement park rides. We enjoyed watching the Danes enjoy a warm sunny afternoon and look at the beautiful blooming flowers. We walked through rather quickly and out the other side where we could walk down to the main canal area and catch a boat “bus” for the ride back to near our flat. It stays light until after 9pm so it’s easy to get home late and have a late dinner.

May 10, 2018

We got a Copenhagen Card on arrival at the train station Tuesday night. It provided unlimited transportation on all metro, trains, buses, boat “bus” etc. in addition to free access to early all the places to visit in the area. On Thursday, 10May, we hopped a train north to see the Copenhagen Maritime museum and, of course, Hamlet’s castle, otherwise none as Elsinor. What a pretty place!!! We did the full walking tour of the castle and really enjoyed the exhibit showing past actors, there are many, who have played in Shakespeare’s Hamlet at Elsinore.

The town is also extremely close to Sweden and there are many ferries leaving every 15 minutes for the 20 minute crossing. We also watched sail boats in the sound on another sunny day. We stopped for a terrific lunch after touring the castle and then went to the maritime museum. It’s built inside of a former ship’s dry dock. It was very well done and a fun museum as well.

We love walking around this city, especially in the area of Nyhavn which is so lively and colorful, and the boat watching is more fun than the people watching.

MAY 11, 2018

Today we are still in tourist mode!! We however took it more slowly and took the train out of the city for 20 minutes and walked to where we could get on a boat to see 2 of the nearby lakes. We viewed the Prime Minister’s summer cottage and also saw where rowing races take place. As we headed back to the train station we noticed several good grocery stores so it was easier to shop “in the suburbs” than to wait until back in the city. We got off the train at a location where we could walk through the botanical gardens, which proved to be somewhat rough and unkempt. Or at least what we saw. But the great display of blooming lilacs was a treat. They are everywhere…. Even in the railroad right of ways!

We then continued on to get to the star shaped Kastelette, a military fortress and ramparts, where walking the high ramparts (or running as many were) is a great pastime for the residents and tourists alike. It provides great views of the waterfront. We exited the ramparts in order to walk along the waterfront to the ferry dock. Of course this was planned as on the way we passed the Little Mermaid. She has a history of being attacked and has had arms and her head chopped off. When we realized the ferry would be a 20 min wait we walked back to the flat, which took 25 minutes, and again took us by the Nyhavn area. A nice finish to the day, and our visit to Copenhagen.