APR 20, 2019 – Fort Bragg, CA

Fort Bragg, CA is a small coastal town founded in 1857. It spent it’s heyday as a fishing and seafaring community and supported a vast logging industry. The railroad played a large part in its development. The trains stopped servicing the area and fishing and tourism became the local economy. We didn’t see any boats go out but there were signs that sport fishing is offered perhaps when the weather is a bit warmer and much less windy.

We took several walks both into town, to the waterfront on the Noyo River and out along the coastal bluffs. The northern CA coast is breath taking!!!

Our campsite at a nearby RV Campground (note not resort!) was up a bit of a rise. We could see the ocean from our window, with enough clarity to see the whitecaps! We could almost see the sun set but did see it most of the way down. It was very quiet except for the sea buoys nearby. A groaner mark a bit offshore and a horn at the end of the breakwater at the entrance to the Noyo River. Nice noises.

APR 21, 2019 – Fort Bragg, CA

APR 23, 2019 – Fort Bragg, CA

Today we walked from the campground in search of the walking path to the nearby beach. We found a small path between two houses on a street not far from our site. We followed it and it came to a steep and muddy pathway down to the small beach where the Hare Creek enters the ocean. Thom explored the other side to see if there was a way back out. He waved me along so off with the shoes and securing my camera I waded across where it was the shallowest and offered the most sandy spots amongst all the rocks. When I got to the other side, the sand was very warm and by the time I caught up with Thom my feet were dry enough to brush the sand off and put my shoes back on. Nice!!!

We walked up the hill and out to a college and residential area before finding the bluffs along the coast, once again. Another beautiful day of blue sky and water with waves against the bluffs. We leave tomorrow and go inland to the forest of giant redwoods. Should be different!!!