AUG 1, 2019 – Interior, SD 

After 3 nights in one spot for a nice change, we left Heartland RV and Cabins Campground in Hermosa, SD, we headed east to Interior, SD to see the Badlands National Park. On approach we could see the change in topography and landforms. Fascinating.

We went to the park’s visitor center for a great introduction to this park. It’s unique in that the entire area, formed 500,000+ years, is of very soft sand/mineral deposits from the Great Inland Sea and is very quickly eroding away, about an inch a year. Also it’s a great source of fossils with a great deal of international scientific interest. The visitor center has a fossil laboratory with active work in view.

We stopped at the local store. Not much, but lots of character and potted meats if you care for them.

AUG 2, 2019 – Arrow, SD

We left our quiet little campground, our first stop at a KOA site and headed to the scenic loop in the Badlands NP to Wall, SD. It was a first of many encounters in August with many, sometimes swarms, of mosquitoes. Seems it’s been very wet in this area and everyone is complaining about them.

The drive into and through the Badlands was an easy drive with a number of overlooks with vast views. Such a different landform. 

We took the extension off the main road, onto a gravel road, to find the prairie dog town. Our first visit to one!!! Funny little chirping creatures. I enjoy their standup lookout pose. They scurry here and there but also will stop to see what you are doing. Some come very close to the road but no signs of their kin being roadkill.

We got back out to the main roads and were quickly in the tiny community of Wall. We visited the “famous” Wall Drug and are not sure what it’s all about. Currently there is a small café at one end, but for most of its block it’s selling lots of touristy stuff. I would say junk but that may be unkind. There is a small drug store component where I found something I’ve been looking for, and odd to find it here: a travel size (small) crystal deodorant stick. The one I have has broken several times and has still lasted more than a year. If I can keep from dropping this new one it should last several years!