The 2017 Ennen family trip with Candy and Shea Ennen, son Henry, daughter Charlotte, taking leave from her post with Peace Corps, and Kathleen and Thom Ennen, depart for S Africa on 9 Dec 2017.

Our second day involved a full day tour, with various cars and drivers to drive to the Zambezi River, catch a small boat across, then, with another driver, go to the Chobe National Park in Zimbabwe. It was a land based tour, and then following a big lunch at a resort, a river based tour near the park. Lots of animals!!! The most exciting was the very large the multifamily herd of elephants coming to the river to drink and play. Our boat driver had never seen so many elephants in one place at the same time.

We were driven back to the river crossing and met at the other side by our earlier driver. On the way back to the Airbnb we spoke of the many animals we’d seen. The driver remarked that very close to our route back we’d be going by a small preserve where Zambia was trying to protect the white rhino. He called his mates who were guards at the park and they agreed to let us in with the hopes of seeing some. We were very lucky to be able to see and spend a little time watching a mother and her young calf. On the way out we spotted a male in the bush. Three white rhinos in one day.

What a day!!!