Swakopmund, Namibia

27 Dec 2017

After a quiet Christmas and a few days to recover from montezuma’s revenge, we rented a car to drive north to Swakopmund. We learned a lesson this week – do not drink what is likely very decent water without flushing the water pipes if there’s a chance the flat has been vacant for a while. We think there were bugs in the water that may have been sitting in the pipes a while. We spent a few days on broth and hydration salts if that gives you any idea!

Thom had driven some while in South Africa. Now we were in a small car and driving on the other side of the road, once again. It was an interesting drive. There were mostly desert vistas as we drove north along the sea to the west.

Swakopmund, as much of Namibia, was settled by German immigrants. Our hosts spoke German and made us German cookies as a Christmas present. Swakopmund is surprising in that much of the architecture is very German looking. We walked along the waterfront, eyed the beautiful beaches and found a nice spot for lunch.