
After Durban we took a bus to Maputo Moz, and spent 4 days there. The bus was supposed to be 8-9 hours, departing at 7am, but it took as 13. Our several “10” minute stops lasted over an hour. That’s how it goes in Africa!!!

We then flew to Ihmambane and taxied to Tofo/Tofinho where we’ve been since Sunday. Walking to town is daily to get fresh veg, water, etc. We’ve been swimming once but the waves are pretty big and it got stormy yesterday with only a sprinkle of rain tho. It’s much cooler though, high 70s instead of high 80s.


‘Very big bridge being built!!! You can see the existing ferry….. it may take years for the bridge to be completed.’

Big HUGE walkabout in Maputo today. 23,000 steps and the tracker says more than 9 miles, but I think that’s a stretch. Need to check the setting! First to Movitel to get sim/data. About $8 got the sim and 2GB data. Keeps my google maps working when walking!! we have terrific wifi at our flat – not the prettiest, but very comfortable and quite workable, and for $38/nt!!!

Then I think we walked thru the “garment” district – street vendors every where on the sidewalk (not a really good name for it as it varies from smooth to potholed to actual rubble!!) with about 2′ to walk thru, two way!!!) Keep remembering to stay left when walking!! jeans, tops, and lots of shoes as well as cell phones and sunglasses. Odd, no one who lives here seems to wear them.

Then turned left and went thru the botanical garden which was shady and cool. Nice little rest there. Then up again and down to the waterfront and a walk along the waterfront to the Maputo Marina – restaurant, bar, pool, etc. We had a great lunch, beer and watched 2 fishermen working a net – walking out, then walking back, then putting a couple of shiny little fish in a bag, then repeat. Then a walk back around about and ended at a Premier Spa. more like a giant walmart with no eggs or milk. got some other provisions and moved to the PriceRite. It felt more appropriate and we found eggs and rum and gin. Now we’re really here!!! Even got an icetray, and filled it with boiled water. Tomorrow nights’ beverage will be proper!!!

Jan 5

We’re having a quiet day in Maputo, making plans for the next leg. We’re bypassing Ethiopia, at least for the moment, as we found a fare from Maputo to Bangkok for $330 each. On Ethiopian air. My fingers are crossed that the ticket may qualify for the Cloud 9 upgrade bidding process. Maybe not. The second leg is 8 hrs from Addis to BKK.