April 4, 2018

Slow day, now in Munich. Arrived at 7am, ugh. But Singapore Air’s business class is spectacular, as reported by others. The lie flat bed isn’t an extended nice wide seat, but a flipped over the top, inversion, with the entire back of the seatback folding forward, and another layer, with good padding unfolding to reach to the fixed footrest under the tv screen. A custom sheet covering tops the now “bed” and you get a pillow and duvet. I moved to seat 11, at the bulkhead, because with no seat in front there was full width bench under the tv. Other seats have half a bench because the seat in front takes up space in the “pod” leaving the often claimed awkwardly positioned foot cubby. Not in rows 11 and 19.

This link has a review of the seating we had, and I was in bulkhead seat 11F

With full width foot room and spacious head room based on the wide seat width of biz class, I slept better than any other time in the air. I could easily roll and comfortably sleep on either side. I felt decent on arrival which was nice, though now at 5pm, it feels like 11pm, so I’m fading. Should sleep well tonight.

Our Airbnb is on a very quiet street, about 15 min from the area of the hotel I stayed at 2 years ago, and close to a great super market where we stocked up. Coffee, muesli, yogurt, fruit, salad stuff (-which we haven’t seen in weeks) cheese, crackers, etc. Even found some vermouth to go with the whiskey we found at duty free last night. We saw some in Australia and New Zealand but it was $40 a bottle. Here it was better, about $12.

Bavaria has had a tough, cold, and snowy winter, like many places this year. It only started warming up about a week ago and some tiny buds are showing on the tree near our balcony. It was sunny and pushing 70 this afternoon so the streets and parks are full of happy Germans. It will be cooler tomorrow, but after Bali that’s fine with me!

April 5, 2018

Today we walked the 25 minutes to the central Marienplatz area of the city. I spent some time there 2 years ago so it was fun to have a revisit, now with Thom. We were mostly interested in getting info on the transit system and rail travel options from the tourist info center. On the way we took the lift up 9 floors in the tower to see the views of the city. To the SW we could see the snow covered Alps.

The tourist office was helpful in guiding us to the type of transit ticket to get for tomorrow. It’s good for the 2 of us and lasts all day, with unlimited travel on the underground, buses and trams. We are going to the BMW museum and really cool show room. Unfortunately you can’t tour the plant right now. I was hoping we could. But the museum will be new for me and I’m looking for to a revisit with Thom to the showroom.

The tourist office sent us to the train station to find out about the rail pass and various options. As we headed towards the train station, while still in the Marienplatz, we stepped into a very plain on the outstide and interesting on the inside church.

On the way, on the back streets where there are many Turkish restaurants we saw and were drawn in by a baklava window display. “full box” turned to be 8eu. It’s really good!!

We stopped for a sandwich and a beer at the train station!

In the train station info/ticketing office we met a man who was born and raised in Wisconsin and been in Germany for 30 years. His daughter is currently studying in Madison!! He gave us terrific advice and guidance on our pending travel. We were looking at the rail pass that was good for 1 month, in 4 countries, with 6 days of travel. He said that because of Germany being one of the 4 countries, it would be over 400eu each. Very expensive and must be 1st Class. He said the only difference between 1st and 2nd class is the leg room. 2nd class has 1 more row of seating per carriage, reducing the legroom by a little bit. He said it’s the same seat and if you want a coffee you have to walk to get it. In 1st class they will bring it to you, but you have to pay for it. So no big deal!!

He gave us approximate tariffs for the same travel, buying point to point, and in 2nd class, for 2 adults, and it was less than half the rail pass price for one of us.

So – we have a plan now for at least 5+/- weeks. We bought tickets to leave Munich at 9:30am and go to Innsbruck, Austria, in the alps. We’ll stay there 2 nights. We’ll then continue on into the Italian alps and go to Verona for 3 nights and then Venice for 3-4 nights. If anyone has suggestions on where to stay in Venice please send along.

We’ll then go to Croatia – likely to Split. We’ll probably stay there a few days, maybe a week, and then find a way farther south as the train doesn’t continue to Dubrovnik. Maybe we’ll get a car or find a bus…. not sure, but once there I’d like to stop for a while, maybe 2+ weeks. By early May it should be getting warm enough in northern Europe, maybe starting in Amsterdam, then Copenhagen, and hopefully Stockholm and St Petersburg. Then onto Spain and Portugal.

Munich 6Apr 2018

Today was a long walking day, again, 18K steps! We used the transit system and started in the central square in search of apple Bluetooth keyboard diagnostics (didn’t go well), then we were there to watch the Glockenspiel. We happened to be standing next to a tour with an English speaking guide. Informative!!

Then off to the NE area of the city to visit the BMW museum and fun salesroom. Afterwards we wandered over to the Olympic area where the 1972 Olympics were held. Some is functioning, some looks to be under restoration, and some looks like it needs to be restored. It’s a great park like area as well now so there were families, kids on bikes and rollerblades and others lounging in the sun on green hillsides.

On the return walk to the underground we passed a small, simple, well done memorial to those lost in the terrorist attack of 5 Sept 1972. Sobering.

Back to the flat to “eat up” the leftovers from Wednesday night and start to get ready for departure on the 9:30AM train to Innsbruck. Hoping for a clear and sunny day for a trip up into the alps!