NOV 5, 2018  Maiden Voyage!

Well…. finally… we are on the road. Thor Freedom Elite 24FE. 2019. We drove to Hadley, MA for a weekend visit. Now boondocking on our first night on the road, at a Pilot truck stop where we can park for free. Off to a Country Pride (oh no!) For food. Tho had a G&T to celebrate our new adventure. Better photos when we get a sunny day and unload the furniture we are taking to Ohio.

NOV 8, 2018

Now in Bryan OH. Nearly 1000 miles on the RV and it’s working well!!! Hot shower, check. Good heat, check (when less than 40deg outside and windy!). Comfortable mattress, check (with added memory foam layer). Good micro/convection oven, check. Good freezer/frig, check. Little to complain about at the moment!!! Though adding a sound bar/wireless subwoofer will help the TV more than a bit!!!

Nov 18, 2018

Off again tomorrow as we head farther south – onto Chincoteague Island VA. Great time here in DC and loved the hospitality of our wonderful family. Also had a few days a being a tourist which was a treat!!

NOV 19-20, 2018  Chincoteaque Island, VA

Finally – we are in a campground on Chincoteague Island, VA. We’re in the RV with both power and water connections!!! Watching the evening news, having a little wine, and preparing a dinner of fresh asparagus and sauteed local fresh scallops. We have a waterside spot with no one nearby!!! Hard to imagine that 7 years ago today we got married! Would never have imagined this then….. photos to come as it was nearly dark when we got here and set up.

Nov 20- Active day today – had to walk 2.4 miles to rent bikes in order to see Assateaque Island and the wild ponies. What a beautiful place!!! On the way back we got a dozen “chincoteaque salt” oysters (=16!) (for $6) and 2 dozen clams.

NOV 26, 2018  Savannah, GA

After a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving with family in Charleston, SC, we are now in Savannah. We parked the RV outside of the city and took the #17 bus into town. After a short walk on the waterfront, we decided on the river cruise to get a bit of a tour with guide while enjoying being on the Savannah River. As we went by Old Fort Jackson, a small historical landmark, we were give a 6pound gun salute. Great views of the city and the port ops.

NOV 28 – DEC 2, 2018  Jekyll Island, GA

We have been on the road for about a month in our new Thor 24FE. It’s very comfortable! We have stopped in a number of places and where visiting family, have left our little home and stayed “ashore”. Since leaving Boston November 2 we’ve been to Hadley MA, Bryan OH, Washington DC, Chincoteague Island VA, Charleston SC, Jekyll Island, GA, Savannah GA, and currently Montgomery AL. We’ve stayed a number of nights at truck stops, rest areas, and Cracker Barrels where we “boondock” for free. We’ve traveled about 2800 miles.

Our RV is surprisingly comfortable and self-contained. We have a generator to keep batteries charged, an instant hot water heater for hot showers, and a decent sized frig/freezer that does well. We eat in about 75% of the time and cooked salmon filets in the convection oven with some park mates in Jekyll Island. After 2 nights at Cracker Barrel we’ve found that amending their veggie soup makes a good meal and not as sodium loaded as the food on the menu!

We had one eventful night so far – while at a Cracker Barrel between Savannah and Montgomery. We park in the back of the CB parking lot, out of the way. The other night we did so in the rain, and were able to position ourselves nicely by watching which way the rain was running in order to get our rig’s “lean to the left” straightened out some. What we didn’t pay attention to was that we were in the low spot of the lot. As we settled in, had our soup with chicken added, the weather intensified. The thunderstorms ramped up and the weather apps started reporting tornado warnings. Not watches!!!

At 4:45am Thom woke me as he had been listen to the various warnings through the night and had looked out the door to see we were standing in nearly 1 foot of water. OK, maybe 10” but it was more than I wanted to see! The bottom step below the stair, only slightly below the undercarriage, was nearly under water. We were quickly able to move up the parking lot about 100’ and settled back down to get some more sleep. With all the noise of the storm and the swaying in the winds, it was not a good sleep but we got through the night uneventfully.

Lesson – don’t park where the parking lot’s storm drains are. They are the low spot!!! Should have known better.