JAN 8, 2019 – Albuquerque, NM

On a short driveabout north of Albuquerque. RV still in the shop, just got the warranty work approved. Took a nice walk along the Bosque of the Rio Grande.

JAN 12-14, 2019 – Denver, CO

Now in Denver CO! We’re in a nice airbnb on Pearl St, nice neighborhood tho it was dark when we arrived last night. The trip took about 45 min longer than intended due to not being able to drive 80mph in the snow!!! (limit is 75 mostly!) Down to 25mph at times due to heavy snow, reduced visibility and very sloppy roads. I think the storm dumped 12-18inches in those mountains after we passed over them!! For most of the trip is was ok and there was little traffic. It’s white but not too messy this morning – looks nice… and it IS Colorado!

Long walkabout today – 16K steps, all over Denver. Train to Union Station, walk to Central Mkt, bus to 16th St Mall (walking street), State House to stand at 5,280′ above sea level, then a wander to view the architecture of the Denver Art Museum and the Clyfford Still Museum, then buses to the Botanic Garden and back to our comfy flat. $3 bus pass for the day provided 1 trip on light rail and 3 buses! great system…..

On our last day in Colorado we drove to Boulder to take a look. Nice walk through the pedestrian area and then out to see the National Center for Atmospheric Research with some terrific interactive displays for weather things!

JAN 27-29, 2019 – Apache Junction, AZ

After 39 days in ABQ and 2 nights in Silver City, NM, we are now heading for AZ. Apache Junction is outside Phoenix. At least a couple of days and looking forward to warmer weather. Maybe we’ll even dig out the golf clubs and hit some balls at a range. It’s been wel over a year for me so it will be ugly. It also might be warm enough to sit outside and enjoy the scenery.

Took a long walk while at the Golden Sun RV Resort to fetch some mail sent via General Delivery to the Post Office. That worked really well!! And we discovered the grocery chain called Fry’s – terrific!!! Large selection including nice looking fish and prime beef. Don’t see that every day.

I think when we can I want to stay at places that are more like a campground than a resort. The heated pool is OK if the air is warm enough to enjoy it. It’s not that warm yet!!! And the tight alignment of all the RVs is something I’m beginning to not like so much. Hopefully campgrounds will also have a fire ring as I miss a campfire at night.