JUNE 8, 2019 – Portland, OR

Today was another early travel day. Up at 5:30 to walk to the SeaTrain Station and get to the airport by 7 for the 9AM flight to Portland OR. We remembered that we had to make it through US customs as well as security so the 2 hour preflight window was good for all the queues as well as a stop at the airside lounge for a nice breakfast of eggs and toast and very good coffee!!

It was a short flight on a clear day which gave us a chance to see tall peaks of the Cascade Mountains in Washington. Impressive to be looking out the window and see a snow covered mountain peak at nearly eye level. It was a small plane and not sure of the altitude we were at.  Seems we were passing by Mt Rainier first and then Mt Adams. Beautiful!!! 

We took the MAX line to the house to drop off our stuff and then headed into town, on the river to watch the Rose Festival Dragon Boat Races. Cheri has been practicing hard for 10 weeks and the races are held on both Saturday and Sunday to accommodate the approximately 60 teams. Each team gets to race at least twice on Saturday and twice on Sunday. The teams with the best times get to race a third time on Saturday and the finals on Sunday offer a third race to those that get that far with the best times. What a show!!

As part of the festival we also saw, in the distance, the Coast Guard demonstrating a water rescue by helicopter. I’m glad to have my long lens…….. 

After a great dinner out we were given a driving tour out to the Columbia River and back by an enormous rose garden in full bloom. Amazing….



Coast Guard demonstrating a water rescue by helicopter

JUNE 9, 2019 – Portland, OR

During the Rose Festival a number of US Navy and Coast Guard as well as Canadian vessels arrive for display and public tours. WE didn’t want to tour a boat but had to stand in a 45 minute line to get checked in and through security. We explained we just wanted to walk dockside to see the boats. We were given an escort by a young navy seaman who knew a great deal about the boats. It was really fun to have a private tour!!!  We left the Navy side and its security, and then walked along the dock to see the Canadian and US Coast Guard ships.  It’s fun to be so close!

JUNE 9, 2019 – Portland, OR

We then headed back down to the waterfront to watch Cheri in her second race. It was windier and much choppier so the times weren’t as good as on Saturday. The team, UDragonU ended up 3rd in Division 2. They didn’t get a prize but they did better than last year as there raced the finals in Division 3 in 2018. There was a fun “celebration” gathering at a nearby pub afterwards. The team spirit was terrific. Here are 30+ plus paddlers and partners that mostly only get together during the practice season that starts in late April. They vowed to try a mid-winter social event as they realize how much fun they all have when they are together.